2018 Resolutions – recap

I didn’t have any! Not one.

I decided (at the end of 2017) that I wasn’t going to make any new year’s resolutions & it was the best thing I did! So, here’s a little recap of my year!

I grew much more in my walk with God. I learned more about Who He is, focused more on studying the Word, my prayer life, worship & developed a healthy “time with God” which was honestly my biggest struggle – actually intentionally sitting my booty down & studying the Bible.

Also, I got the privilege to start leading English Worship for our Sunday PM services & started teaching an all Girls High School class which both, have blessed me greatly! I’m still learning, still growing & that will never stop. I am & have always been an Introvert so trust me when I say this, If it wasn’t for the grace of God & the strength that He gives me when doing these things, I would’ve NEVER EVER imagined myself doing any kind of ministry. Worship especially, stretches me to continue pursuing God because without Him, there’s is a 100% chance I would just be making a big fool out of myself during worship. Yup. Praise the Lord.


Another great great great greeeaaat thing that happened this year was…. I got engaged to my High School Sweetheart!!! BEST DAY EVER! I’m so grateful that he proposed on our actual dating Anniversary because ya girl can’t keep up with so many different dates to celebrate! So we closed the year as fiances!

I finally built the guts & discipline to start my Calligraphy Instagram page!! (follow me @Scribblesofpraise!) the only little struggle I encountered was, that I wasn’t expecting to get engaged so now I only post every once in a while since Wedding planning has all my free time right now.. BUT Lord willing, I’ll continue to put my art out there with the God given talent I was gifted with. Truly, I want to focus & grow it as far as the Lord allows me & even one day be able to live off of it. Only time will tell, but either way, as a passionate hobby works too! I just enjoy it very much!


Now this last event isn’t a happy one, we did lose my grandpa (my dad’s dad) this year in July. He was 87 years old & very strong, but in a blink of an eye, one doctor visit to the next, he landed in a coma & passed away in a matter of a week – honestly still can’t comprehend how fast it all happened. So, with the strength of the Lord, we have been able to grieve through this process & I miss him very much. He lived with my family & I since I was about 5 years, so I’m grateful to carry his teachings with me. I will always be grateful to my grandpa & my parents for disciplining us to learn spanish – being bilingual is a true blessing!


Well, if you made it this far, you’re a trooper! Many other events happened here & there, but my only prayer at the beginning of this year was to simply grow more in my walk with God & trust the plan He had for me this year. Everything that came with this year, will help me as we begin 2019 & I will not be making any resolutions this new year either, Its more exciting to just trust God to unfold His plan for you rather than us forcing things to happen when it just isn’t time yet, or its not what He has planned for you.


Obviously this is much much easier said than done, but God is already at the end of this next year, too. So just trust Him, He is our creator and He wants the best for us!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Hope you had a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 


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